
Game of Thrones 6×3

Game of Thrones 6×3

Game of Thrones 6×3


On a boat on their way to Oldtown, Tarly reveals his intent to leave Gilly and her baby with the former’s family at Horn Hill while he trains to be a Maester. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S06E03. In a vision of the past, Brandon sees Eddard and Howland, Meera’s father, defeat a group of Kingsguard loyal to the Targaryens at the Tower of Joy in Dorne. Varys discovers that the masters of Astapor, Yunkai, and Volantis have been financing the Sons of the Harpy. In King’s Landing, Tommen converses with the High Sparrow while Jaime and Cersei interrupt a small council meeting, only to be shunned by Kevan and the Tyrells. Cersei’s bodyguard is revealed to be Gregor. Arya trains rigorously with the Waif and her sight is returned to her once she has accepted herself as “no-one”. In Winterfell, Lord Umber asks Ramsay for help in protecting the North from the Wildlings, bringing Rickon and Osha as a gift, along with the head of Shaggydog, Rickon’s direwolf. Jon executes Thorne, Olly and the other officers involved in his assassination. He renounces his oath and puts Tollett in charge of the Night’s Watch.

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Game of Thrones 6×2

Game of Thrones 6×2

Game of Thrones 6×2


Brandon visits Winterfell in a vision of the past, and sees Eddard, Benjen, and their sister Lyanna, as well as a young Hodor. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S06E02. Edd arrives with Tormund and a group of Wildlings, imprisoning Thorne and the other mutineers. Tommen asks Cersei to teach him to be strong. Tyrion learns that Astapor and Yunkai have reverted to slavery, and releases Rhaegal and Viserion from their chains. In Braavos, Arya is attacked by the Waif before H’ghar appears and recruits her again. Walda, Roose’s wife, gives birth to a boy, prompting Ramsay to murder Roose, her, and the baby. Brienne reveals to Sansa that Arya is still alive. Sansa permits Theon’s return to the Iron Islands, where his uncle Euron reappears and murders King Balon. Seaworth persuades Melisandre to attempt to resurrect Jon. At first, her attempts seem to fail. However, once everyone leaves the room, he awakens.

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Game of Thrones 6×1

Game of Thrones 6×1

Game of Thrones 6×1


Jon Snow’s corpse is found by Ser Davos, Edd and a few other loyalists; Davos and the others take him inside and lock themselves behind a door with him, while Edd goes to get help. Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S06E01. Thorne assumes command of the Watch. At Winterfell, Ramsay mourns for Myranda, while Sansa and Theon escape through the woods. Ramsay’s men catch up with them, and are about to take them captive, when Brienne and Pod arrive, kill the men, and the former is accepted into Sansa’s service. In King’s Landing, Cersei receives Jaime, who arrives with Myrcella’s body. Jaime promises Cersei they will take their revenge. Obara and Nymeria murder Trystane, on his way home from King’s Landing, while in Sunspear, Doran and Areo Hotah are killed by Ellaria and Tyene, after the former learns of Myrcella’s death. In Meereen, Tyrion and Varys find all the ships burning in the harbor. Jorah and Daario continue to track Daenerys, who is taken by the Dothraki to Khal Moro. In Braavos, Arya lives on the streets as a beggar, where she is beaten by the Waif. In her chamber, Melisandre removes her bejeweled necklace as she reveals her true appearance as an old crone.

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Game of Thrones 5×10

Game of Thrones 5×10

Game of Thrones 5×10


Shireen’s sacrifice leads to Selyse hanging herself and half of Stannis’ forces deserting him. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 10 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E10. After Melisandre flees to Castle Black, Stannis is defeated by the Boltons and consequently killed by Brienne. Sansa attempts to escape, but is confronted by Myranda, whom Theon kills, and the duo escape Winterfell together. Cersei confesses her former relationship with Lancel and is forced to face atonement by walking the streets fully naked. Upon reaching the Red Keep, Qyburn introduces a new member of the Kingsguard with complete loyalty. Jaime, Myrcella, Bronn and Trystane sail from Dorne. Myrcella dies of poison by Sand on the ship. Arya infiltrates a brothel and kills Trant. She is blinded for violating the terms of the Faceless Men. Varys arrives in Meereen to rule the city with Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei, while Naharis and Mormont leave to search for Daenerys, who, far away, is found by a large group of the Dothraki. Tarly, Gilly and her child leave for Oldtown for the former to become a Maester. Snow is stabbed several times by mutineers, including Thorne and Olly.

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Game of Thrones 5×9

Game of Thrones 5×9

Game of Thrones 5×9


During a snowstorm, Stannis’ camp is sabotaged when Ramsay’s party destroys the camp’s siege equipment and food stores, while inflicting heavy losses on the army’s horses. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 9 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E09. Sending Seaworth to the Wall to ask for supplies, Stannis reluctantly allows Melisandre to sacrifice Shireen, burning her alive at the stake, despite her and Selyse’s objections. Snow and the others return to the Wall, allowing the wildlings to pass South. In Dorne, Doran permits Jaime and Bronn to return to King’s Landing with Myrcella, provided Trystane accompany them and serve on the small council in Oberyn’s stead. The former also pardons Sand and her daughters. In Braavos, Arya spots Trant accompanying Mace, Margaery’s father and the Master of Coin. In Meereen, the fights at Daznak’s pit begin, and Daenerys is stunned to see Mormont amongst the combatants. His triumph is interrupted by a fierce attack by the Sons of the Harpy, who quickly surround Daenerys and her supporters, including Mormont. Just as all hope seems lost, Drogon arrives, and she mounts it and flies away from the pit, her followers watching in awe.

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Game of Thrones 5×8

Game of Thrones 5×8

Game of Thrones 5×8


Cersei learns that her uncle Kevan is appointed as the Hand. She is left thirsty in order to force her to confess, which she does not. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E08. Arya assumes the identity of Lana, an oyster merchant. H’ghar tasks her to study a man who sells marine insurance, but has defrauded benefactors. She is to learn everything about the insurer, and then poison him. Theon tells Sansa that he faked the deaths of Brandon and Rickon. Ramsay suggests to Roose that they move on Stannis and asks for twenty skilled men. In Meereen, Tyrion convinces Daenerys to spare Mormont’s life and she exiles him again. Mormont goes back to Yezzan and asks permission to fight in the pits. Daenerys accepts Tyrion into her council. Arriving in Hardhome, Snow and Tormund convince about five thousand wildlings to join them before Hardhome is attacked by an army of wights. Snow kills a White Walker with his Valyrian-steel sword. As he, Tormund and the other survivors sail away, they witness the Night’s King reanimating the deceased wildlings as wights.

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Game of Thrones 5×7

Game of Thrones 5×7

Game of Thrones 5×7


Snow leaves for Hardhome with Giantsbane and some rangers. Aemon dies shortly after. Gilly is attacked by two Watchmen. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 7 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E07. Tarly intervenes and is overpowered until Ghost arrives and forces the duo to leave. Tarly and Gilly consummate their romantic relationship. Sansa asks Theon to help her escape Winterfell, but he instead informs Ramsay, who flays the woman working for Brienne. At Stannis’ army’s camp, Melisandre suggests sacrificing Shireen, which he refuses. Mormont and Tyrion are sold to slaver Qaggaz. The two are brought to a local fighting pit that Daenerys and her consort happen to be visiting in preparation for the coming games at Daznak’s pit. Mormont defeats the other slaves and reveals his identity to her, and that he brought Tyrion as a “gift” for her. In Dorne, Myrcella tells Jaime that she wants to marry Trystane, Doran’s son. Olenna’s demand for Loras and Margaery’s release is declined by the High Sparrow. Later, the High Sparrow arrests Cersei due to her former incestuous relationship with Lancel.

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Game of Thrones 5×6

Game of Thrones 5×6

Game of Thrones 5×6


H’ghar takes Arya to a chamber with the faces of all the people that have died in the House of Black and White. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 6 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E06. Jaime and Bronn reach the Water Gardens, where they find Myrcella and are attacked by the Sand Snakes. The fight is broken up by Dornish guards, who arrest everyone. Mormont and Tyrion run into slavers, whom Tyrion manages to convince to take them to the fighting pits of Meereen. Baelish informs Cersei of Roose’s plan to marry Sansa to Ramsay, and convinces her to allow him to lead the knights of the Vale to Winterfell to defeat the winning party of the conflict between Roose and Stannis, being named Warden of the North in return. Olenna arrives in King’s Landing and warns Cersei that the imprisonment of Loras has put their alliance in peril. At Loras’ inquest, Loras and Margaery both deny his homosexuality. The male prostitute Olyvar contradicts their testimony, and she is arrested for lying to the gods. In Winterfell, Sansa is married to Ramsay, who rapes her in front of a horrified Theon.

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Game of Thrones 5×5

Game of Thrones 5×5

Game of Thrones 5×5


Brienne and Podrick arrive at an inn near Winterfell and send a message to Sansa, stating that they will help her if she needs it. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E05. Sansa finds out about Theon’s presence. Ramsay forces him to apologize to her for his actions. At the Wall, Giantsbane accepts an alliance with the Night’s Watch that will allow the Wildlings to settle south of the Wall. Snow agrees to accompany him to meet the Wildlings in Hardhome. Stannis’s army leaves for Winterfell, taking Selyse and Shireen with them. In Meereen, Grey Worm recuperates, developing a romantic relationship with Missandei. Daenerys feeds a Meereenese nobleman to dragons Viserion and Rhaegal and imprisons the others. She later agrees to reopen the fighting pits and decides to marry Loraq to facilitate peace. At sea, Tyrion and Mormont sail through Valyria, seeing Drogon flying by, and are attacked by a group of stone men. They manage to escape, but Mormont is infected with greyscale.

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Game of Thrones 5×4

Game of Thrones 5×4

Game of Thrones 5×4


Cersei provides weapons for the Sparrows, who arrest Loras. Margaery is enraged, but Tommen proves too weak to arrange his release. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 4 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E04. Melisandre tries to seduce Snow in an attempt to convince him to go to Winterfell with Stannis. In Winterfell, Baelish prepares to return to King’s Landing. Before leaving, he tries to dispel Sansa’s misgivings towards Ramsay, telling her that even if Stannis does not defeat the Boltons and rescue her, she can easily manipulate Ramsay. Bronn and Jaime land secretly in Dorne; they encounter and kill four horsemen. The Sand Snakes learn from a sea captain that Jaime has come to Dorne for Myrcella; Ellaria convinces the Sand Snakes to plan to avenge the death of Oberyn by abducting Myrcella before Jaime can intervene. Mormont plans to redeem himself to Daenerys by giving Tyrion to her as a prisoner. In Meereen, Loraq makes another appeal to her to reopen the fighting pits; the Sons of the Harpy ambush an Unsullied patrol inside the citadel; Grey Worm is critically wounded and Selmy is killed.

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Game of Thrones 5×3

Game of Thrones 5×3

Game of Thrones 5×3


Margaery, newly wed to Tommen, manipulates him into planning to send Cersei to Casterly Rock. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 3 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E03. Baelish conducts Sansa to Winterfell to cement an alliance with Roose through her marriage to Ramsay, behind the Lannisters’ back. Brienne decides to train Podrick. To adapt in the House of Black and White, Arya throws all her personal effects into the river except for Needle, which she hides in a pile of rocks. At Castle Black, Snow names Thorne First Ranger, but Slynt refuses to follow Snow’s orders that he leave to rebuild the Greygard ruin. Snow executes Slynt himself. Lancel finds the High Septon in a compromising situation in a brothel, punishing him by forcing him to walk the streets completely nude. The High Septon complains to Cersei, who imprisons him instead. She meets the High Sparrow, approving the Sparrows’ actions. Tyrion and Varys arrive in Volantis and visit a brothel, where the former is abducted by Mormont, intending to take him “to the queen”.

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Game of Thrones 5×2

Game of Thrones 5×2

Game of Thrones 5×2


Arya arrives in Braavos and is accepted into the “House of Black and White” by H’ghar, who calls himself and his colleagues “no one”. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 2 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E02. Jaime tells Cersei he is going to Dorne to sneak out Myrcella, who is promised to Prince Doran’s son, and recruits Bronn to assist him; Podrick recognises Baelish and Sansa in a tavern; Brienne offers Sansa her protection, but is rebuffed. Baelish demands her to stay with them, but she refuses and escapes with Podrick. However, she decides to follow Sansa secretly. Stannis offers Snow legitimacy and lordship of Winterfell if he leaves the Night’s Watch to help him, but Snow declines; Tarly nominates him as a candidate for Lord Commander, and he is elected by the casting vote of Aemon. Daenerys faces a riot after she decides to execute a former slave who murdered a captured member of the Sons of the Harpy before he could be tried. Drogon reappears to her, but leaves again.

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Game of Thrones 5×1

Game of Thrones 5×1

Game of Thrones 5×1


In a flashback, a witch tells a teenage Cersei that someone younger and more beautiful than herself will one day steal her accomplishments. Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 1 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S05E01. In the present, Tywin is buried and Lancel returns, now a devoutly religious man and a member of the “Sparrows”. In Pentos, a despondent Tyrion agrees to accompany Varys to Meereen to support Targaryen’s claim on the Iron Throne. In Meereen, the insurgent “Sons of the Harpy” murder an Unsullied, forcing Daenerys to launch more restrictive measures without respecting the old traditions. Missandei gets suspicious when she realizes that the Unsullied visit brothels. Daenerys’s locked-away dragons attack her when she checks on them. In the Vale, Baelish puts Robin in the care of House Royce and leaves with Sansa. At the Wall, Stannis seeks to enlist the Wildlings in his war against Roose. Snow is unable to convince Rayder to accept Stannis’s authority. The latter has Mance burned alive, but Snow mercifully shoots him with an arrow to kill him quickly.

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Game of Thrones 4×10

Game of Thrones 4×10

Game of Thrones 4×10


Jon’s negotiation with Mance Rayder is interrupted when Stannis and his army overrun the wildling camp, taking Mance as prisoner on the former’s suggestion. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 10 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E10. Bran’s party comes upon the large heart tree from his visions but is attacked by skeletal beasts, who kill Jojen; the others are saved by a child, who takes them to the three-eyed raven, revealed to be an old man. In the Vale, Brienne and Podrick come across Arya and the Hound, whom Brienne engages and critically wounds. He begs Arya to kill him, but she refuses and leaves with Brienne searching for her. She enters a ship headed to Braavos, intending to reunite with Jaqen H’ghar. Meanwhile, in King’s Landing, Cersei orders Qyburn to do anything to save the Mountain, who is poisoned by Oberyn’s blade. She gets involved with Jaime, who releases Tyrion. Tyrion later finds Shae in Tywin’s bed and strangles her to death. He then confronts Tywin in the privy and kills him, escaping the city with Varys. In Meereen, Daenerys is visited by a citizen who brings the charred remains of his daughter, who was burned by Drogon. As a precaution, Daenerys chains her two other dragons in the catacombs.

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Game of Thrones 4×9

Game of Thrones 4×9

Game of Thrones 4×9


The Night’s Watch prepares for the wildling invasion. Gilly and her son arrive at Castle Black, where Sam hides them in an underground room. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 9 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E09. The wildlings attack from both sides. Tormund’s army gets through from the south and engages the Night’s Watch. One giant manages to break through the tunnel leading into Castle Black but is killed by Grenn and five others, at the cost of their own lives. Alliser Thorne goes to fight in the southern part, leaving Janos Slynt in charge. However, Slynt proves to be incompetent and is tricked into going down the main level, effectively leaving Jon in charge. After watching Jon kill Styr, Ygritte prepares to kill him but is shot by Olly. Jon holds her in his arms as she dies. With the help of Jon’s direwolf, Ghost, the Night’s Watch secure the ground level of Castle Black, leading to Tormund’s arrest. The wall climbers are obliterated by a massive scythe launched by the Watch. The wildlings retreat but not for long, Jon predicts. Seeing no other choice, Jon goes beyond the Wall to find and kill Mance Rayder.

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Game of Thrones 4×8

Game of Thrones 4×8

Game of Thrones 4×8


The wildlings attack Mole’s Town. Gilly is discovered by Ygritte, who spares her. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 8 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E08. Ramsay forces Theon to get the Ironborn to surrender Moat Cailin. The Ironborn surrender in hopes of returning home but are flayed and slaughtered by Ramsay. As a reward for securing Moat Cailin, Roose legitimizes Ramsay as a Bolton. In the Vale, Sansa reveals to a council investigating Lysa’s death her true identity and convinces the council of Littlefinger’s innocence. While Littlefinger starts grooming Robin Arryn, Lysa’s son, as the Lord of the Vale, the Hound and Arya arrive and are informed of Lysa’s death. In King’s Landing, the trial by combat starts. Oberyn gains the upper hand, but his desire to force the Mountain to confess his crimes gives the latter the chance to grab the former. He kills Oberyn by crushing his skull while confessing to the rape and murder of Elia. Tywin sentences Tyrion to death. In Essos, Barristan Selmy receives a letter intended for Jorah that pardons him as a reward for spying on Daenerys, who exiles him from Meereen as a result.

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Game of Thrones 4×7

Game of Thrones 4×7

Game of Thrones 4×7


Cersei appoints the Mountain as her champion in the upcoming trial by combat, while both Jaime and Bronn refuse to fight for Tyrion. Oberyn steps up, seeking a chance to avenge Elia by killing the Mountain, who raped and killed her during the rebellion. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 7 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E07. Daenerys has sex with Daario before sending him off on a mission to deal with the resurgent slavers at Yunkai. Melisandre and Selyse prepare for their departure from Dragonstone, intending to take Shireen as well. Alliser Thorne rejects Jon’s offer to seal the tunnel. Brienne and Podrick meet Hot Pie and learn of Arya’s adventures. They then resolve to travel to the Vale, deducing she would go there in search of living relatives. In the Vale, Lysa is enraged when she witnesses Littlefinger kissing Sansa. Later, she threatens to push Sansa through the Moon Door, but Littlefinger intervenes and pushes Lysa to her death.

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Game of Thrones 4×6

Game of Thrones 4×6

Game of Thrones 4×6


In Essos, Davos manages to convince the Iron Bank to back Stannis while also resecuring Salladhor Saan and his pirates to Stannis’ cause. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 6 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E06. In Meereen, Daenerys attempts to take on her new role as queen as she listens to the requests of her subjects, including nobleman Hizdahr zo Loraq and a man whose goats were killed by Daenerys’ increasingly uncontrollable dragons. In the Dreadfort, Yara leads an attack in an effort to rescue Theon, who refuses to come with her, forcing her to escape. Ramsay rewards Theon for being obedient and, in order to take Moat Cailin, tasks him to pretend to be “Theon” instead of “Reek”. In King’s Landing, Tywin puts a bounty on the Hound’s head and instructs Varys to continue spying on Daenerys. Later that day, Tyrion is brought to trial for Joffrey’s murder. However, all of the witnesses brought in testify against him, including Ser Meryn Trant, Grand Maester Pycelle, Cersei, Varys and, to Tyrion’s shock, Shae, who gives a solid testimony. Angry, humiliated, and defeated, Tyrion demands a trial by combat.

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Game of Thrones 4×5

Game of Thrones 4×5

Game of Thrones 4×5


Tommen is crowned king. Cersei meets with Margaery, Tywin, and Oberyn, hoping to sway them to her advantage in the coming trial against Tyrion. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 5 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E05. In the Vale, Littlefinger takes Sansa to the Eyrie, where she is to pose as his niece. He is then pressured to marry Lysa Arryn that same day. It is revealed that the pair killed Jon Arryn while framing the Lannisters. On the Kingsroad, the Hound catches Arya practicing her water dancing and angers her by mocking that fighting style and Syrio Forel. On the road, Brienne finds out that Podrick has no practical skills as a squire. However, she is impressed with the fact that he killed a Kingsguard in order to protect Tyrion. Beyond the Wall, Jon’s group attacks the mutineers. Locke attempts to kidnap Bran in the confusion but is killed by Hodor, warged into by Bran. Bran and his company then continue their trek north while Jon’s party kills all of the mutineers and burns down Craster’s Keep. In Meereen, after Jorah informs her about the fallback to slavery of Astapor and Yunkai, Daenerys decides to postpone her invasion of Westeros to bring order to Slaver’s Bay and pronounces herself queen.

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Game of Thrones 4×4

Game of Thrones 4×4

Game of Thrones 4×4


Daenerys successfully captures Meereen amidst a slave revolt and immediately seeks justice for the slain slave children by nailing 163 masters to posts. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 4 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E04. At sea, Littlefinger admits to Sansa that he was involved in Joffrey’s death. In King’s Landing, Olenna, who is planning to leave, also implies to Margaery that she was involved in the poisoning and convinces her to seduce Tommen before Cersei has a chance to turn him against her. Jaime meets with Tyrion and is convinced of his innocence. However, Cersei is adamant about Tyrion’s guilt and orders Jaime to hunt down and kill Sansa. Jaime instead tasks Brienne with finding and protecting her, giving her both his Valyrian sword and Podrick as her squire. In the North, in an effort to get rid of Jon, Alliser Thorne and Janos Slynt conspire to allow Jon to lead an expedition against the mutineers, who have captured Bran’s party and forced him to reveal his identity. Further north, a White Walker takes Craster’s last newborn son to a secret ritual site, where he is transformed into a Walker.

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Game of Thrones 4×3

Game of Thrones 4×3

Game of Thrones 4×3


Tywin begins grooming Tommen to be the next king and enlists Oberyn and Mace Tyrell as his fellow judges for the impending trial of Tyrion, who decides to pick Jaime as his witness. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 3 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E03. Littlefinger, who hired Ser Dontos, kills him and smuggles Sansa out of King’s Landing. In the Riverlands, Arya and Sandor encounter a benevolent farmer and his daughter, whom Sandor robs, to Arya’s disgust. In Dragonstone, Davos tries to figure out how to replenish Stannis’ depleted forces and requests a loan from the Iron Bank of Braavos to pay for a group of mercenaries called the “Golden Company”. In the North, Sam, fearing for Gilly’s safety, has her and the baby moved out of Castle Black to nearby Mole’s Town. Meanwhile, the wildlings continue to raid northern villages. The Night’s Watch receive word that the band of Night’s Watch mutineers have set up camp at Craster’s Keep. Jon tells the Watch to organize a party to attack the mutineers, as they cannot risk having any information about the weakness of Castle Black’s defenses leak to Mance Rayder’s approaching army. Daenerys lays siege to Meereen.

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Game of Thrones 4×2

Game of Thrones 4×2

Game of Thrones 4×2


Roose Bolton returns to the Dreadfort, where he blames Ramsay for mistreating Theon, who has been brutalized into a subservient persona called ‘Reek’. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E02. The former decides to find and kill the remaining Stark children, Bran and Rickon, who threaten the legitimacy of his new title, while tasking Ramsay to reclaim the territories under Ironborn occupation. In Dragonstone, Melisandre orders several people to be burned as a tribute to the Lord of Light, to the delight of Queen Selyse and the disgust of Davos and Shireen. In King’s Landing, Tyrion ends his relationship with Shae to protect her from his family and has her shipped off to Pentos. Jaime begins training his left-handed swordplay with the help of Bronn. King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell are wed. Later, at the Royal Wedding feast, tensions between Joffrey and Tyrion grow—just before the former succumbs to poisoned wine and dies. A grief-stricken Cersei accuses Tyrion of the murder and has him arrested, while Ser Dontos, a former knight, advises Sansa to leave with him in order to survive.

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Game of Thrones 4×1

Game of Thrones 4×1

Game of Thrones 4×1


Tywin oversees the reforging of Ice, the Stark ancestral sword, into two new swords, one for Jaime, who tries to deal with the loss of his sword hand and Cersei’s love, and one for King Joffrey as a wedding present. Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S04E01. Prince Oberyn Martell, on behalf of his brother, Prince Doran of Dorne, arrives in King’s Landing with his paramour, Ellaria Sand, to attend the royal wedding and is welcomed by Tyrion. Oberyn openly reveals to Tyrion his motive for his visit: revenge against the Lannisters for the rape and murder of his sister, Elia, wife of Prince Rhaegar. In the North, while Styr and his group of cannibal Thenns reinforce Tormund, Ygritte, and the other wildlings, Jon is released by Maester Aemon after confessing what he did during his time with the wildlings to gain information. In the Riverlands, Arya and the Hound reclaim her sword, Needle, from Polliver, killing him and his men. In Essos, Daenerys leads her army on a march towards Meereen, the last of the three great slave cities, though she is troubled by how her dragons are becoming less tame as they grow.

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Game of Thrones 3×10

Game of Thrones 3×10

Game of Thrones 3×10


The mastermind of the massacre is revealed to be Tywin, who awards the House Frey the Seat of Riverrun and appoints Bolton as the Warden of the North. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 10 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E10. Theon’s captor is revealed to be Ramsay, Bolton’s bastard who let the former’s men leave Winterfell in exchange for surrendering him. Against Balon’s wishes, Yara decides to rescue Theon. Arya and Sandor kill some Frey soldiers mocking Robb’s death. Arriving in the capital with Brienne, Jaime is reunited with Cersei. In the North, Tarly’s party encounters Bran’s and gives them the Dragonglass weapons before arriving back at Castle Black, where he and Maester Aemon send ravens to alert the Seven Kingdoms about the White Walkers. Being hit several times, Jon still manages to escape from Ygritte and returns to Castle Black. In Dragonstone, Seaworth helps Gendry escape, while Stannis decides to head north and aid the Watch against the White Walker threat, forgiving the former and keeping him. In Essos, the freed slaves of Yunkai receive Daenerys as their “mother”.

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Game of Thrones 3×9

Game of Thrones 3×9

Game of Thrones 3×9


Tarly, Gilly and her son arrive at the Wall. During a thunderstorm, Bran enters Hodor’s mind to calm him down, an ability not possessed by any Wildling. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 9 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E09. Nearby, Snow refuses to kill a farmer, whom Ygritte kills before Snow is attacked by the other Wildlings. Bran uses his warg ability to save Snow, who kills Orell before escaping, leaving a furious Ygritte behind with chief Giantsbane. Osha, Rickon and his direwolf depart for the Last Hearth, while Bran and his remaining company plan to go beyond the Wall. Daenerys sends Mormont, Naharis and Grey Worm to infiltrate Yunkai and open the city gate for her army. Yunkai soon falls to her forces. Robb arrives at the Twins and apologizes to Walder, who feigns acceptance. Edmure marries Roslin and they leave to consummate their marriage before Walder’s men murder Catelyn, Talisa and most of the Stark bannermen, while Bolton, revealed to be loyal to the Lannisters, kills Robb. Arya also arrives at the Twins and witnesses a part of the massacre, but Sandor knocks her unconscious and carries her to safety.

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Game of Thrones 3×8

Game of Thrones 3×8

Game of Thrones 3×8


King’s Landing hosts Tyrion and Sansa’s wedding. Cersei shows displeasure upon Margaery and Loras. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 8 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E08. At the wedding feast Tyrion gets drunk and causes a scene, with Tywin demanding he make a baby soon. In their bedroom, Tyrion tells Sansa that they will not consummate their marriage until she wants to. Sandor reveals to Arya that they are heading for the Twins to ransom her to Robb. Stannis releases Seaworth, demanding he respect Melisandre, who arrives in Dragonstone with Gendry, whom she seduces and extracts blood from him with three leeches. In a magical ritual, Stannis casts them into the fire naming three usurpers: Robb, Balon and Joffrey. Daenerys finds out that Yunkai has employed a mercenary company called the “Second Sons”. One of the lieutenants named Naharis kills the other leaders and pledges his and the company’s loyalty to Daenerys. Tarly and Gilly are attacked by a White Walker, whom the former destroys by the dragonglass dagger.

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Game of Thrones 3×7

Game of Thrones 3×7

Game of Thrones 3×7


In the North, Jojen tells Bran they must go beyond the Wall to find the raven, to Osha’s horror. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 7 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E07. Snow and Ygritte’s relationship deepens, making fellow Wildling Orell angry. Theon is emasculated by his torturer. Talisa reveals to Robb that she is pregnant. Arya runs away from the Brotherhood, only to be captured by Sandor. Melisandre reveals to Gendry that his father was Robert. Shae tells Tyrion that she will not continue their relationship once he marries Sansa. Tywin counsels Joffrey and discusses Daenerys, with the former dismissing the danger she might pose. Daenerys reaches the city of Yunkai and declares war on them. Bolton departs Harrenhall for Edmure’s wedding while Jaime says farewell to Brienne and departs for King’s Landing. On the road, he finds out that Locke refused Brienne’s father’s ransom. Jaime returns to Harrenhall to find Brienne in a pit fighting a bear. He leaps in and saves Brienne and departs once more, this time with her.

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Game of Thrones 3×6

Game of Thrones 3×6

Game of Thrones 3×6


In King’s Landing, Tywin coerces Olenna into agreeing to marry Loras to Cersei, who reveals to Tyrion that it was Joffrey who tried to have him killed during the siege. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 6 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E06. Tyrion confesses to Shae and Sansa about the upcoming marriage. Baelish tells Varys that he has caught Ros as Varys’ informant and has given her to Joffrey, who kills her. In the Riverlands, Melisandre buys Gendry from the Brotherhood, foretelling that Arya will kill many people. Robb makes a new deal with Frey by agreeing to give him Harrenhal and marry his uncle Edmure to Frey’s daughter, Roslin. Bolton plans to send Jaime to King’s Landing, but refuses to send Brienne with him. At an unknown location, the mysterious man continues to torture Theon. In the North, tension arises between Osha and Meera. Beyond the Wall, Tarly continues his flight with Gilly and her son, while Snow and Ygritte manage to climb the Wall with two other Wildlings.

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Game of Thrones 3×5

Game of Thrones 3×5

Game of Thrones 3×5


Tyrion convinces Olenna to pay for part of the royal wedding. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E05. Sansa tells Baelish about her decision to stay in King’s Landing. The Lannisters discover the Tyrells’ plot to marry off Sansa to Loras. To prevent the union, Tywin plans to marry Sansa to Tyrion, and Cersei to Loras, despite the siblings’ protests. Stannis confesses his infidelity to his wife, Selyse, who then tells him she already knows and approves of it. His daughter, Shireen, sneaks into the dungeon to visit Seaworth and starts teaching him to read. Sandor kills Dondarrion and is released. However, Dondarrion is resurrected seemingly by the power of the Lord of Light. Gendry decides to stay with the Brotherhood, and Thoros and Dondarrion plan to ransom Arya to Robb. After being delivered to Bolton, Jaime confesses to Brienne why he killed Aerys. Robb executes Karstark after the latter murders two captive Lannister boys. With the Karstarks abandoning him, Robb plans to make a desperate alliance with Frey. Jon Snow succumbs to Ygritte’s seduction and breaks his vows. The Unsullied select a warrior called Grey Worm as their leader on Daenerys’ order.

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Game of Thrones 3×4

Game of Thrones 3×4

Game of Thrones 3×4


Theon is betrayed by the rescuer, who returns him to the prison for torture. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 4 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E04. After a failed escape attempt, Jaime believes that he is lost without his sword hand; but Brienne, knowing what he did for her, urges him not to give up hope. Varys tells Tyrion how he became a eunuch, and that he now has in his power the magician who castrated him, advising Tyrion to be patient for vengeance. At Craster’s keep, the surviving Night’s Watchmen, starving, come into conflict with their host. Craster and Mormont are slain in the struggle, and Tarly flees with Gilly and her son. Arya and Gendry are taken to the secret cave of the Brotherhood, meeting their leader, Dondarrion, who later sentences Clegane to trial by combat with him. Margaery proposes marriage between Sansa and Loras. Targaryen meets with Kraznys to complete the trade of a dragon for the Unsullied army. She tests the Unsullied, then orders them to kill their former masters, reclaims her dragon and frees the Unsullied, who all decide to follow her freely.

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Game of Thrones 3×3

Game of Thrones 3×3

Game of Thrones 3×3


Robb and Catelyn attend the funeral in Riverrun. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 3 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E03. Tywin decides to send Baelish to Lysa intending to have them married in order to secure her alliance, making Tyrion the new Master of Coin. While Hot Pie decides to stay at the inn, Arya and Gendry follow the Brotherhood. Learning of the massacre at the Fist of the First Men, Rayder sends Snow with a band of Wildlings to scale the Wall and attack the Watch while it is weakened. The surviving men of the Night’s Watch arrive back at Craster’s Keep, where Tarly witnesses Gilly give birth to a son. Theon is freed from torture and captivity by an unknown man, who later rescues him again. Melisandre leaves Dragonstone for an unknown mission, stating that the blood of a King is required for victory. Targaryen agrees to buy all the 8,000 Unsullied and the translator Missandei for one of her dragons, against Selmy’s and Jorah’s advice. Jaime persuades his captor Locke not to let Brienne be raped, but Locke cuts off the former’s sword hand.

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Game of Thrones 3×2

Game of Thrones 3×2

Game of Thrones 3×2


Brienne continues escorting Jaime across the Riverlands to King’s Landing. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 2 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E02. He engages her in a fight, which is interrupted by Bolton soldiers. After receiving the news of the sack of Winterfell and the disappearance of Bran and Rickon, Robb diverts his attentions from the war against the Lannisters to attend Catelyn’s father’s funeral in Riverrun, angering Karstark, who seeks vengeance for his sons who were killed by the Lannisters. Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie also make for Riverrun, but are waylaid by a rebel group, the “Brotherhood without Banners”, and are taken to an inn, where the captured Clegane reveals Arya’s identity. Margaery and her grandmother Olenna, the “Queen of Thorns”, convince Sansa to tell them about Joffrey’s flawed character. Theon is tortured by unknown captors. Bran, Rickon, Osha and Hodor encounter the siblings Jojen and Meera, children of the Stark bannerman Howland. Jojen, who has been sharing Bran’s strange dreams, tells him that he is a warg, able to enter the minds of animals.

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