
Game of Thrones 3×1

Game of Thrones 3×1

Game of Thrones 3×1


Some of the Night’s Watchmen, including Tarly and Mormont, survive the White Walkers’ attack and pledge to return to the Wall to warn the Seven Kingdoms. Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 1 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S03E01. Snow is brought before Rayder, the “King beyond the Wall”, and pledges his loyalty to the Wildlings. A scarred Tyrion tries to get Casterly Rock from Tywin, who promises other things instead. Margaery engages in charity work with the orphans of King’s Landing. Baelish offers to help Sansa escape King’s Landing. Ros advises Shae not to trust him. Davos is rescued by Saan, who does not want any more connections with Stannis, and returns to Dragonstone, where he unsuccessfully tries to kill Melisandre, who blames him for convincing Stannis not to let her join the battle, and is imprisoned. In Essos, Targaryen arrives in the city of Astapor to buy an army of brutally-trained slave soldiers, the “Unsullied”. The warlocks of Qarth attemp to assassinate her, but she is saved by Selmy, the former Kingsguard commander, who pledges his loyalty.

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Game of Thrones 2×10

Game of Thrones 2×10

Game of Thrones 2×10


Joffrey sets Sansa aside in favor of marrying Margaery while Tyrion fears for his and Shae’s safety now that Tywin has replaced him as Hand and relieved Bronn from his command. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 10 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E10. Melisandre gives Stannis a new hope. Brienne and Jaime are spotted by three Stark soldiers, whom she kills. Catelyn fails to dissuade Robb from marrying Talisa. In Qarth, Daenerys ventures into the House of the Undying and successfully retrieves her dragons, who kill Pree. She then seals Daxos inside his own vault and claims his wealth for herself. In Winterfell, Theon tries to convince his men to fight Robb’s army, but is knocked unconscious by them, who decide to leave. A dying Luwin convinces Brandon’s party to go to the Wall. Arya, having escaped Harrenhal with Hot Pie and Gendry, receives the gift of a valuable coin from H’ghar, who magically changes his face. North of the Wall, Halfhand forces Snow to kill him to prove his loyalty to the wildlings while an army of White Walkers surrounds the Fist of the First Men.

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Game of Thrones 2×9

Game of Thrones 2×9

Game of Thrones 2×9


Baratheon’s fleet assaults King’s Landing. Leading the defense, Tyrion destroys many of the attacking ships with an exploding ship full of wildfire, forcing the former to attack on land. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 9 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E09. Sandor leads the defense outside the gate, but is defeated and returns inside, denouncing Joffrey and leaving. Joffrey also escapes. Tyrion convinces the Gold Cloaks to fight with him. Baratheon’s forces make it inside the castle, but Tyrion leads his men behind the Baratheon forces via underground tunnels and attacks. Cersei goes to the throne room with Tommen, intending to kill him. Shae convinces Sansa to go to her chamber, where Sandor offers to take her back to Winterfell; but she decides to stay. As Tyrion is wounded and Cersei is about to poison Tommen, Tywin’s forces, joined by Loras, arrive and defeat Baratheon’s forces, with the latter forced to retreat.

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Game of Thrones 2×8

Game of Thrones 2×8

Game of Thrones 2×8


Robb learns that Catelyn has secretly freed Jaime, now escorted by Brienne, in order to ransom Sansa and Arya; he locks her in her tent and sends men to find them, also entering into a romantic relationship with Talisa. Yara arrives at Winterfell to bring Theon back to Pyke, blaming him for his actions. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 8 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E08. Tywin leaves Harrenhal to attack Robb, which leads Arya, Gendry and their friend Hot Pie to attempt an escape with the help of H’ghar, who agrees in order for Arya to refrain from naming H’ghar himself as the third man to kill. In King’s Landing, Cersei attempts to blackmail Tyrion by abducting the prostitute, Ros, whom the former believes to be his secret lover. On the way to King’s Landing, Stannis promises Seaworth to make him his Hand of the King. Beyond the Wall, the Wildling leader “Rattleshirt” leads the captured Snow and Halfhand to his king, Rayder. At the Fist of the First Men, the brothers of the Night’s Watch find a hidden cache of dragonglass. In Qarth, Jorah agrees to accompany Daenerys into the House of the Undying to retrieve her dragons. Brandon and Rickon are revealed to be alive and hiding in Winterfell.

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Game of Thrones 2×7

Game of Thrones 2×7

Game of Thrones 2×7


Theon begins tracking Brandon and Rickon. Tywin begins searching Harrenhal for the murderer. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 7 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E07. Ygritte continues her attempts to seduce Snow and, after a momentary lapse in Jon’s concentration, she escapes and leads him into a trap. Still shaken from the riot, Sansa is horrified when she awakens to find that she has had her first menstruation and can thus bear Joffrey’s children. Cersei warns her to love no one but her children, not even Joffrey. In Robb’s camp, a failed escape attempt by Jaime leaves a guard dead, with some soldiers seeking retribution. In Qarth, the warlock Pree reveals to Daenerys that he stole her dragons, but gives her the opportunity to reunite with them before slaughtering the Council of Thirteen and establishing Daxos as the king. Theon presents to Luwin and his subjects the charred corpses of two boys, claiming that he has tracked down and killed Brandon and Rickon.

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Game of Thrones 2×6

Game of Thrones 2×6

Game of Thrones 2×6


Myrcella, Cersei’s daughter, is sent away from King’s Landing. Theon manages to take Winterfell and executes Cassel, a henchman, for insulting him. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 6 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E06. Osha, the captured wildling, helps Brandon and Rickon escape. Robb reunites with the healer Maegyr. At the Fist of the First Men, Snow captures a Wildling named Ygritte, but gets separated from his patrol when she tries to escape and he is forced to chase her. Joffrey incites a riot at King’s Landing, in which he is nearly killed and Sansa is nearly raped. Tywin allows Baelish to seek the allegiance of the Tyrells. An officer suspects Arya; and she has H’ghar kill him. Robb receives news of Theon’s plans and sends men to retake Winterfell. At Qarth, Daenerys tries to procure a ship to take her people to Westeros, all the while keeping Daxos at bay. Daenerys’ dragons are stolen.

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Game of Thrones 2×5

Game of Thrones 2×5

Game of Thrones 2×5


H’ghar, one of the three caged prisoners Arya saved, pledges to kill three people of her choosing in order to repay his debt to her. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 5 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E05. She accepts and first chooses the Tickler, the man who mortally tortured the captives. After Renly’s death at the hands of Melisandre’s shadowy assassin, Catelyn and Brienne, who are accused of the murder, are forced to flee from the camp. Excluding the Tyrells, Renly’s forces submit to Stannis. Brienne swears loyalty to Catelyn. Theon sails from Pyke prepared to prove that he is a true Ironborn, with plans to capture Winterfell while Robb is absent. Tyrion learns from Lancel about the Wildfire, a burning substance mass produced to destroy Stannis’ fleet and army during the upcoming siege. Tyrion takes control of the scheme. The Night’s Watch arrives at an ancient fortress called the Fist of the First Men, where Jeor allows Snow to join the team led by a veteran named Halfhand in order to kill the enemy leader. In Qarth, Daxos proposes marriage to Daenerys in exchange for providing her with the wealth to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. Jorah convinces her to gain the support of the Westerosi people instead.

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Game of Thrones 2×4

Game of Thrones 2×4

Game of Thrones 2×4


Catelyn tries to convince the Baratheon brothers to abandon their quarrel and unite against the Lannisters; but Stannis demands Renly submit to his command. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 4 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E04. Baelish visits her and offers a trade of Jaime for her daughters. Melisandre gives birth to a shadow creature. Sansa is abused by Joffrey in revenge for Robb’s victories. Tyrion intervenes and in return, Joffrey is cruel to the prostitutes Tyrion sends him as “gifts”. Tyrion releases Pycelle, but fires him from the Small Council. Tyrion also finds out about the incestuous relationship between Cersei and their cousin, Lancel, forcing the latter to spy on her by threatening to reveal it to Joffrey. Arya and Gendry are taken as captives to the castle of Harrenhal, where prisoners are tortured until death. Tywin arrives and stops the torture, picking her as his servant without knowing about her true identity. After her exhausting journey through the desert, Daenerys arrives at the gates of the prosperous city of Qarth, where Daxos, a member of the Council of Thirteen, convinces the others to let her caravan enter the city.

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Game of Thrones 2×3

Game of Thrones 2×3

Game of Thrones 2×3


Catelyn arrives at Renly’s camp to negotiate an alliance, watching the female warrior Brienne of Tarth winning the right to join Renly’s guard. Renly has recently married Margaery, Loras’s sister, but refuses to have sex with her due to having feelings for Loras. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 3 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E03. In the Iron Islands, Balon makes a plan to attack the North, led by Yara. After burning a letter warning Robb of Balon’s impending attack, Theon re-joins the Greyjoys in a water-based ceremony. In King’s Landing, Tyrion crafts a plan to find who is in Cersei’s confidence; finding it to be Pycelle, whom the former imprisons. Tyrion assigns his prostitute, Shae, as handmaiden to Sansa. Beyond the Wall, Craster demands the Night’s Watchmen leave. Snow finds out that Jeor already knew about Craster’s felonies. On the road to the wall, the band of Night’s Watch recruits are attacked by Lannister soldiers. Yoren is killed and Arya is taken prisoner. The latter states that Gendry was a boy already killed.

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Game of Thrones 2×2

Game of Thrones 2×2

Game of Thrones 2×2


Returning to his home of Pyke after nine years as the Starks’ ward, Theon is reunited with his sister, Yara, and Balon, who despises Theon for his Northern ways and intends to win back his crown by force. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 2 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E02. Cersei rejects Robb’s terms and Tyrion exiles Slynt, head of the Gold Cloaks, to the Wall, promoting Bronn to commander of the watch. On the road to the Wall, Arya reveals her true identity to Gendry. North of the Wall, Tarly is approached by one of Craster’s daughters, Gilly, who is pregnant and fears for her unborn son; Snow is reluctant to help her despite Tarly’s pleas. In the Red Waste, one of the horses returns to Daenerys with the severed head of its rider in a pouch, a message from one of her enemies. In Dragonstone, Davos, Stannis’s henchman, recruits the pirate Salladhor Saan to Stannis’ side, and the latter has sex with Melisandre to obtain the son his wife cannot give him. Snow discovers that Craster sacrifices his sons to the White Walkers; in response, Craster knocks Snow unconscious.

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Game of Thrones 2×1

Game of Thrones 2×1

Game of Thrones 2×1


To Cersei’s dismay, Tyrion takes up his post as acting Hand at King’s Landing. At Dragonstone, Stannis proclaims allegiance to Melisandre’s new god and lays public claim to the Iron Throne, revealing Joffrey’s bastardy. Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 1 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S02E01. The latter orders the soldiers to slaughter Robert’s bastards, one of whom named Gendry manages to escape King’s Landing along with Arya. Having won three victories, Robb offers the Lannisters peace in exchange for the North’s independence and Sansa’s return, sending Theon to gain the support of Balon, his father, and Catelyn to seek alliance with Renly, who also claims the throne. Beyond the Wall, the Night’s Watch finds shelter with Craster and his daughters/wives. In Essos, as her people slowly die in the Red Waste, Daenerys sends out riders for reconnaissance.

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Game of Thrones 1×10

Game of Thrones 1×10

Game of Thrones 1×10


The North secedes from the Seven Kingdoms and proclaims Robb as their king. With Jaime captured by the Starks and Robert’s brothers challenging Joffrey’s claim to the throne, Tywin appoints Tyrion as King’s Hand. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 10 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E10. Jon plans to desert his post at the Wall to avenge Ned, but his friends convince him to stay and he instead joins a Night’s Watch expedition to find Benjen beyond the Wall. Yoren, a Night’s Watch recruiter, helps Arya escape King’s Landing disguised as a boy while Joffrey plans to make Sansa his queen despite her father’s execution. Daenerys learns that her unborn son is dead and Drogo has been left in a vegetative state due to the witch’s treacherous magic. Daenerys ends Drogo’s life and lights a funeral pyre. She burns the witch alive alongside Drogo’s body and her three dragon eggs, and walks into the flames herself. When the embers die the following morning, Daenerys rises, unharmed, flanked by three newborn dragons. Jorah and other witnesses kneel before her.

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Game of Thrones 1×9

Game of Thrones 1×9

Game of Thrones 1×9


The Stark army arrives at the Twins castle; and Catelyn convinces Lord Frey to let them pass and assist them by agreeing for marriage of Robb and Arya to Frey’s children in the future. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 9 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E09. Robb sacrifices 2000 soldiers in a confrontation with the Lannister army to capture Jaime. In a public hearing, Ned confesses to treason and publicly affirms Joffrey as rightful heir. However, rather than sentencing him to the Wall as had been negotiated, a vengeful Joffrey has him decapitated, while Cersei and other counselors object futilely. Sansa and Arya watch their father die: Sansa from the royal party and Arya from the crowd. At the Wall, Jeor Mormont gives his family sword to Jon in gratitude; Maester Aemon also reveals to Jon that Aemon is a Targaryen. In Essos, Drogo’s wound becomes septic and his death imminent. Daenerys convinces a slave woman to use blood magic to save him. The woman tells everyone to leave the tent and stay outside until the spell is over. Daenerys begins labor, and Jorah brings her into the forbidden tent seeking aid.

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Game of Thrones 1×8

Game of Thrones 1×8

Game of Thrones 1×8


Arya manages to escape the Red Keep after her Braavosian sword master delays the guards sent to arrest her; Sansa is captured however. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 8 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E08. Robb hears the news and prepares the Northern armies to fight the Lannisters, leaving Bran behind to rule Winterfell. Lysa refuses to fight the Lannisters; and Catelyn leaves, joining Robb’s camp. Tyrion and Bronn are surrounded by Shagga and his men. Tyrion convinces them to escort him to Tywin to repay them. They arrive at Tywin’s camp, where the latter asks Shagga to help them in their confrontation with the Starks in exchange for payment. Joffrey appoints Tywin as the Hand. Sansa begs the former to show mercy upon Ned. Joffrey agrees if the latter recognizes his reign. At the Wall, some bodies affected by the White Walkers are found. In Essos, Drogo’s soldiers begin attacking nearby settlements, enslaving locals in order to sell them and gain the money to buy the ships necessary to pass the Narrow Sea.

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Game of Thrones 1×7

Game of Thrones 1×7

Game of Thrones 1×7


In King’s Landing, Ned tells Cersei he knows she is involved with Jaime and none of her children are Robert’s. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 7 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E07. They soon learn that Robert has been critically wounded by a boar while hunting. A dying Robert names Ned as the “Protector of the realm” to rule until Joffrey reaches the legal age. Ned sends a message to Stannis, Robert’s brother, intending to enthrone him since Robert has no true heirs. Ned tells Petyr Baelish about his plan and asks him to gain the loyalty of the City Watch, the only force capable of overpowering Lannister forces loyal to Cersei. After Robert’s death, Ned, Baelish and the City Watch confront Cersei and Joffrey in the throne room, where Baelish and the City Watch betray Ned and attack his men. At the Wall, Ned’s younger brother Benjen goes missing during a foray beyond the Wall. Snow and Tarly are picked as stewards, with Jon assigned to Lord Commander Mormont. The duo swear their loyalties to the Night’s Watch. In Essos, Robert’s assassin is captured before he can poison Daenerys. Drogo vows to conquer the Seven Kingdoms and give it to his son. He starts marching towards Westeros.

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Game of Thrones 1×6

Game of Thrones 1×6

Game of Thrones 1×6


Robert reappoints Ned as Hand and tasks him with running affairs until he returns from hunting. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 6 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E06. Villagers from Riverrun arrive in the throne room with news of atrocities committed by raiders, who Ned deduces were led by Gregor Clegane, a Lannister retainer. Ned sentences Gregor to death and sends a message to Tywin Lannister, summoning him to a trial. Ned decides to send Sansa, (now reconciled with Joffrey), and Arya back to Winterfell. Ned finds out that Joffrey is not Robert’s biological son. While out testing his new saddle, Bran is attacked by outlaws. Robb, Ned’s oldest son, and Theon, the fostered son of a fallen rebel king, save him. In the Vale, Tyrion demands a trial by combat, which Lysa accepts. She chooses Ser Vardis and Tyrion asks for a champion. The mercenary Bronn volunteers, killing Vardis and thereby obtaining Tyrion’s release. Meanwhile, Viserys becomes enraged with Drogo for not honoring his promise and threatens to kill Daenerys’ unborn child. Drogo kills Viserys by pouring molten gold on his head.

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Game of Thrones 1×5

Game of Thrones 1×5

Game of Thrones 1×5


Ned refuses to participate in Robert’s plan to assassinate the pregnant Daenerys Targaryen, and resigns as Robert’s Hand, angering him. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 5 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E05. Catelyn and Tyrion (who she has taken as her prisoner) arrive at her sister Lysa’s home in the Eyrie. News of Tyrion’s capture reaches King’s Landing where Jaime Lannister, the Queen’s twin brother, demands answers from Ned. A vengeful Jaime fights Ned until his man stabs Ned in the leg from behind, leaving him wounded as his forces leave the capital.

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Game of Thrones 1×4

Game of Thrones 1×4

Game of Thrones 1×4


Tyrion shares saddle modifications for Bran that will allow the paraplegic boy to ride before heading south. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 4 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E04. Ned searches for clues to the unexplained death of his mentor and predecessor Jon Arryn and in the process uncovers King Robert’s illegitimate son. Robert and his guests witness a tournament honoring Ned. Jon takes measures to protect Samwell Tarly, an awkward and friendless boy, from the abuse of the Night’s Watchmen. A frustrated Viserys clashes with his newly empowered sister. Sansa dreams of life as a queen, while Arya envisions a far different future. At a chance encounter in a roadside tavern, Catelyn rallies her father’s allies and has Tyrion arrested for conspiring to murder her son.

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Game of Thrones 1×3

Game of Thrones 1×3

Game of Thrones 1×3


Ned joins the King’s Small Council at King’s Landing, capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and learns just how poorly Westeros is being managed. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 3 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E03. Catelyn tries to covertly warn her husband, but is intercepted by an old friend, Councillor Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish. Bran learns he will never walk again. He does not remember the events leading to his fall. Jon struggles to adapt to life on the Wall, as he trains with a number of low-born recruits who are not impressed by his bloodline. Lord Commander Mormont asks Tyrion to plead with the King to send more men to the Night’s Watch. Daenerys learns that she is pregnant, and begins to stand up to Viserys.

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Game of Thrones 1×2

Game of Thrones 1×2

Game of Thrones 1×2


Having accepted his new role as the Hand of the King, Ned leaves Winterfell with his daughters Sansa and Arya, while Catelyn stays behind to tend to Bran. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 2 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E02. The unconscious Bran is attacked by an assassin, but his direwolf saves him. Catelyn decides to go to King’s Landing to tell Ned about the attempt and suspected Lannister involvement. Jon Snow, Ned’s illegitimate son, heads north to join the brotherhood of the Night’s Watch, protectors of the Wall that keeps the White Walkers and the wildlings from entering civilized Westeros. Tyrion, Cersei’s brother, decides to forgo the trip south with his family and instead accompanies Snow’s entourage to the Wall. When Joffrey threatens Arya and her friend, Arya’s direwolf defends her and escapes, provoking a conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters. To resolve the insult, Robert orders Ned to execute Sansa’s direwolf. In Winterfell, Brandon awakens from unconsciousness. Meanwhile, Daenerys focuses her attention on learning how to please Drogo.

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Game of Thrones 1×1

Game of Thrones 1×1

Game of Thrones 1×1


In the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, a soldier of the ancient Night’s Watch order survives an attack by supernatural creatures known as the White Walkers, thought until now to be myth. Game of Thrones Season 1 Episode 1 Watch Online free 123movies gomovies putlocker S01E01. He rushes to Castle Winterfell, which is ruled by Eddard “Ned” Stark, Warden of the North, who decapitates the soldier for deserting his post. In King’s Landing, the capital, Jon Arryn, the “Hand of the King”, dies under mysterious circumstances. King Robert Baratheon, Ned’s longtime friend, travels to Winterfell, offering the position to him and also proposing marriage between his firstborn son Joffrey and Ned’s older daughter Sansa. Ned’s wife Catelyn receives a letter from her sister Lysa, Jon Arryn’s widow, saying that she has escaped King’s Landing and that Jon was murdered by the Lannisters, Queen Cersei’s family. Catelyn burns the letter and tells Ned about it, believing that the Lannisters are plotting against Robert. Ned’s 10-year-old son, Brandon, climbs a tower, where he witnesses Cersei having sex with her twin brother, Jaime, who then pushes him out the window from a presumably fatal height. Meanwhile across the narrow sea in Essos, the exiled Prince Viserys Targaryen makes a deal with the Dothraki warlord Khal Drogo, who marries Viserys’ younger sister, Daenerys, in exchange for an army to conquer Westeros and reclaim the Iron Throne.

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